Don Marti

Thu 22 Nov 2012 07:27:03 AM PST

Thankful for RSS feeds...

...and the people on the other end. (If you have a minute, just check and make sure that yours didn't get broken—thanks.) Here's some random good stuff from late summer/early fall, worth reading if you missed it the first time.

Still an interesting question from Gabriel Weinberg: How do you completely de-personalize Google results?

Interview by Kathryn Buford: Why Low IP Restrictions May Increase Your Bottom Line: Q&A with Johanna Blakley on IP Lessons from the Fashion Industry

Planet Python: Ned Batchelder: Fixing broken Unicode

Acquia fastest growing software company in US

Eric Goldman: Why Did Google Flip-Flop On Cracking Down On "Rogue" Websites? Some Troubling Possibilities (Forbes Cross-Post)

Source Sans Pro is to News Gothic as Linux is to Unix? Source Sans Pro revised and hosted on GitHub

3D Printed Homes? Here’s The Scoop

We the Coders: Open-Sourcing We the People, the White House's Online Petitions System (via Dries Buytaert) (via Dries Buytaert - Drupal)

Here's How BitTorrent Aims To Change How Artists Are Paid For Their Work

Aaron Swartz: Look at yourself objectively

Edward Z. Yang: How OfflineIMAP works

“The Dumbest Idea in the World”: Corporate America's False - and Dangerous - Ideology of Shareholder Value

Valdis Krebs on software marketing buzzwords: Changing Centuries, Changing Contexts

Michael Meeks on prospects for the Linux Desktop: Stuff Michael Meeks is doing

Simon Wardley on the intersection of licensing and business plan: Open by Default ... No Thanks

Viljami Salminen on test environments: Establishing An Open Device Lab

Hey, Googlebot, go read this: Google search loves me

Gervase Markham: ‘Do Not Track’ and the Role of Government

Seth Godin: Instead of outthinking the competition...

Robert David Graham on hard drive error rates: RAID6 or die

Joe Konrath: E-books in Libraries: They Still Don't Get It The elephant in the room is that publishers don't like libraries.

The Oatmeal: How much do cats actually kill? [Infographic]

Eric Shepherd: Welcoming

Zac Gordon: How to Build a Responsive WordPress Theme with Bootstrap