Don Marti

Sat 06 Sep 2014 03:19:53 PM PDT

Thank you for linklogging

Dave Winer writes, Radio3 has a philosophy.

The idea is to start a great flow of news to Twitter and Facebook, while enabling new networks to boot up on the open web, building on the RSS support.

When you post using Radio3, you're helping a new open web news network boot up. It's like using solar or wind energy, or riding a bike instead of driving. It's good for the environment.

Linklogs aren't new. Some examples...

Some cool things about Radio3 are...

Anyway, if you don't have a linklog because it's too hard, you might want to give Radio3 a try. When everyone else is writing long anguished blog posts about how Twitter is burying your links by going from neutral "following" to some kind of secret algorithm, you can already be set up for whatever the new thing is. (If you try it, please mail me and let me know your linklog URL.)

Bonus links

These are from old linklog links. Worth a second look if you missed them the first time they went past.

Mike Hadlow: Coconut Headphones: Why Agile Has Failed

Dr. Michael Wu: Consumers under the influence

Jeremiah Shoaf: Taking A Second Look At Free Fonts

Jeffrey Ball: The Proportion of Young Americans Who Drive Has Plummeted—And No One Knows Why

Adactio: Our Comrade The Electron

Alexis C. Madrigal: A 26-Story History of San Francisco

rands: Drift

Mark Suster: Helping Startups Understand Salespeople & the Sales Culture

Angie Schmitt: Smart Growth America: Sprawl Shaves Years Off Your Life

Brad DeLong: The Social and Moral Philosophy of the Minimum Wage: Monday Focus: April 14, 2014

Ian Morris: The Slaughter Bench of History

Emma Roller: How Congress Stayed Wet in the Dry Years of Prohibition

Charlie Stross: Generation Z

  1. Barton Hinkle: The Dumbest Federal Policy You'll Read About Today

michaelochurch: 3 mean-spirited HR policies that can kill a tech company.

lizapveale: Why tech workers want to live in Oakland: it’s not just cheaper rent

David Kopel: The First Amendment Guide to the Second Amendment

alex: Opposition against TTIP is not an outflow of anti-Americanism

Justin Fox: Piketty’s “Capital,” in a Lot Less Than 696 Pages

Jacob Sullum: John Paul Stevens, Leading Enabler of the War on Drugs, Says Pot Prohibition Was a Big Mistake

Zack Weinberg: Redesigning Income Tax

MediaPost | Online Media Daily: White House Warns 'Big Data' Can Lead To Discrimination

Benjamin Ross: The Counterculture Looks for Parking

Geoff Shullenberger: Work and Non-Work under Digital Capitalism

David Frum: Why Gun-Rights Backers Win While Other Conservative Causes Lose The Old Reader on Good Ol’ RSS

Jonathan Cohn: Gallup: Uninsured Rate Is Lowest We've Ever Recorded

Tyler Cowen: Some neglected Gary Becker open access pieces

iang: No Accounting Skills? No Moral Reckoning

Adam Lashinsky, Sr. Editor at Large: Yes, we're in a tech bubble. Here's how I know it

Casey Johnston: Vibram can no longer claim its goofy FiveFinger shoes offer health benefits

Josh Harkinson: Will American Pot Farmers Put the Cartels out of Business?

Nathan: Why we in tech must support Lawrence Lessig

Digg Top Stories: Should Your Job Exist?

Peter Suderman: The Ethanol Disaster

Greg Storey: And They All Look Just the Same

Kashmir Hill: The Terrible Irony In The New York Times Failing To Publish Its Own ‘Innovation Report’

The Old Reader: behind the scenes: In Defense of Publishers

Geoff Shullenberger: Corporatization and the Bullshit Jobs Effect

Chris Hulls, Life360: Patent trolls have come after my startup. I’m fighting back

Nelson Minar: Scribd and Quora considered harmful

Nathan Donato-Weinstein: Younger and wealthier, Caltrain riders opt out of traffic

Ricardo Hausmann: Piketty’s Missing Knowhow

John Hood: "Tax Freedom Day" comes earlier for the rich than the poor

Cory Doctorow: What's the story with the Makerbot patent?

Tom Hatfield: Ingress: The game that reveals Google's secret war to control London

Ars Staff: How Amazon got a patent on white-background photography