Don Marti

Sun 17 Apr 2005 08:33:50 PM PDT

iOpus: Stop spamming forgery victims, you morons.

(Look, I have zero interest in your MS-Windows utilities, and I didn't send you any mail. Is everyone whose address appeared on a forgery to your support address getting this?)

Your email to SUPPORT@IOPUS.COM was NOT received!

Due to an ever-increasing amount of SPAM and unsolicited email to this email address, we can no longer accept any direct email to the email address you used.

We recommend that you contact us via our online form at

Alternatively, you can send your email to

We apologise for the inconvenience, but please note that this system is also to your benefit. Assuming that you do need to contact us, you can at least rest assured that your message will be read and dealt with, as opposed to being swept along with the rest of the junk that we receive(d).

Thanks for your help!
