Don Marti

Sun 17 Apr 2005 08:33:50 PM PDT

The following is a list of good things.

Allen Edmonds shoes. If you do trade shows or anything else that requires you to stand around all day, these US-made, almost all natural shoes are more comfortable than anything, even athletic shoes or hiking boots. Ask for them at your neighborhood shoe store, or if you don't have a neighborhood shoe store, try Nordstrom, where the shoe people are very good at getting you the right size.

The Leatherman Wave Tool has more tools than the original, and you can cut coat hanger wire without having the handle sever your fingers.

Mackie's compact mixers and web site. If you are a webmaster for a company that makes a product that requires skill to use, please read the Mackie site. If you're an Internet audio weenie or a musician, and you think you just need a mixer, there's some good reading on this site too.

Pigdog Journal. A web site so good and so relevant that they should rename HTTP to PDJTP.

All hail, providers of quality DSL service to free software users in the South Bay.