Don Marti

Mon 10 Sep 2012 07:46:08 AM PDT

How to handle computer problems

Handy guide to dealing with computer problems, by platform.

Microsoft Windows user: Call support.

Mac user: Write long thoughtful blog essay about how Apple has finally lost its mojo. Get used to working around problem.

Linux user (old school): Write shell script to work around problem. Post it and ignore comments from other Linux users who can't get it to work because their software versions are slightly different.

Linux user (new school): Fork project. Remove the configuration dialog and make your way the default. Ignore comments from other Linux users who want the old default option back.

Twitter user: Begin thoughtful blog essay about how Twitter has lost its mojo. Take a typing break to check Twitter. Oooo! Fight!

Webmaster: Fall back to using tables and/or Flash. Redesign own blog with advanced CSS and media queries.

Mac user (later): Try a new product from a non-Apple vendor that lacks the problem. Write long thoughtful blog essay pronouncing it DOA because it doesn't work the way you're used to.