Don Marti

Mon 08 Oct 2012 05:42:42 AM PDT

MLP: software development fun

Junio Hamano: Git User's Survey 2012 edition. You have already taken this, right? (Bonus links: Junio C Hamano: Git 1.8.0-rc0 Junio C Hamano: Fun with running textconv)

Drupal and NoSQL: My (not so) secret agenda for Drupal 8 Drupal 8 and MongoDB update #1

Mark Dominus is mad, I tell you, mad! (But some of these Git tricks, used sparingly, could be really useful.) My Git Habits and Rewriting published history in Git

Jessamyn Smith: Everything I wish I’d known about git... If you know another version control system, do your best to forget the names of commands and the association of functionality with commands

Ubuntu developers: Sebastian Kügler: Best practises for writing defensive publications

Google Authenticator FTW: Another layer of security for your Dropbox account, Dropbox and Time-based One Time Passwords...

Two interesting projects at Sony: Sony opens up the Dynamic Android Sensor HAL (DASH) – developers can contribute [open source] and BacklogTool – new open source tool for backlog management from Sony.

Allen Gannett: Enterprise software begins its beautification, where design was once an afterthought. While tools such as SharePoint hold market share despite being clunky and obtuse, a startling shift has occurred in the last two years. We are beginning to see the rise of truly usable—and increasingly, beautiful—enterprise software.

JessiTRON: Git: The Good Parts - history is written by the victors. Software is built feature by feature, fix by fix. This is what you want to see when you look back at history.

Linus Torvalds on "clean history" (via What The Web?!)

Linux on the (consumer) Desktop My punch-line is that the Linux Desktop faces a huge and multi-factored ecosystem challenge, there is no single simple issue to fix.

Jonathan Corbet: Bazaar on the slow track. Bazaar, as a project, may not be dead, but it shows signs of going into a sort of maintenance mode.

Dave Winer: Manifesto: Un-Web 2.0. (via Phil Windley's Technometria) In Un-Web 2.0 you get full control of your data, and the services just get pointers to it, or copies of it. The originals live with you. Pointers are much preferable to copies because then you can keep updating the content after it has been incorporated in someone else's content tree.

Viljami Salminen at Smashing Magazine: Establishing an open device lab. (Watch this space...we need one of these in Alameda.)

Sean McArthur: Persona Beta 1. [W]e hope to eventually remove ourselves from it all.

Kees Cook: Link restrictions released in Linux 3.6. an entire class of vulnerability just goes away.

Steve Losh on keyboard choices: A Modern Space Cadet

NIST Selects Winner of Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-3) Competition